Contribute to the prestige of the Mineralogy Museum Collection


The School of Mines Mineralogy Collection is a French National Heritage site dating from the late 18th century. Located in the Vendome hotel since 1805, the collection is constantly growing and improving, to the pleasure of the public and our scientific colleagues around the world. Today, the collection is renowned worldwide for its exceptional and unique specimens, as well as the exceptional variety of mineral species represented. The collection does not end with minerals but also contains rocks, gems and meteorites, with a total of approximately 100,000 samples!


Monetary gifts

Your generosity has supported the growth and preservation of our world-renowned collection. Starting today, you can help support our mission to develop and maintain the collection, whether supporting the permanent exhibit, temporary exhibits, educational programs or scientific research.

There are several ways to make a donation:

- If you read French, you can make an easy donation through our secured online “Don en ligne” webpage. Select "don en ligne : vous êtes un particulier". On the following page, fill up the form and select "Patrimoine" and in the "commentaires" zone, mention that your gift must go to the Mineralogy Museum.


- If you have a French checkbook, you may send your check to the Foundation MINES ParisTech (Paris School of Mines) at the following address, specifying that the donation should benefit the Mineralogy Museum:

La Fondation Mines ParisTech

60, boulevard Saint-Michel

75272 Paris Cedex 6



- If you live abroad and cannot use the online “Don en ligne” webpage, you will find all the instruction on the following webpage.


Your donation will provide significant tax advantages, for French citizens; and for foreign citizens depending on your country’s legislation on monetary gifts to non-benefit associations.


For individuals

- Reducing your income tax:

66 % of your donation is tax deductible, so a € 500 donation only costs you € 170 (Article 200 of the Tax Code, with limitation to 20% of taxable income).

- Reducing your wealth tax:

75% of the amount paid is deductible, so a donation of € 2,000 only costs you € 500 (Article 885 of the General Tax Code, with a maximum of € 50,000).


The MINES ParisTech Foundation is authorized to receive donations, temporary usufruct donations and bequests.


For Business

- Tax reduction of 60% of the amount paid.

Under Article 238 bis of the French Tax Code, with limitation to 0.5% of turnover. 



Donations of minerals, gems and meteorites

We also welcome any donations of minerals, gems, or meteorites. The Mineralogy Museum is in constant search of specimens that we do not have including mineral species and localities that we do not have; better specimens than what we already have; and reference samples used for educational or research projects.


For any inquiries, do not hesitate to contact the Mineralogy Museum team.


To see the most recent donations of minerals to the Mineralogy Museum, click here. We are extremely thankful to all of our donors!


Recent gifts


Contact us

Donation to the Mineralogy Museum - Mines Paris - PSL

contact us

Any questions about the museum or the collection ? Contact us

plan your visit

Find all the information to come to the Mineralogy Museum here

Musée de Minéralogie

Mines Paris - PSL

60 boulevard Saint-Michel

75006 Paris





TUESDAY: 10am - 12pm and 1:30pm - 6pm.


SATURDAY: 10am - 12:30pm and 2pm - 5pm


Closed on National Holidays, Sundays and Mondays





Find all our temporary exhibits and special events here

Contact Mentions légales © 2014 Mines Paris - PSL