
The Mineralogy Museum in the press



Recent press releases talking about the Mineralogy Museum.


In the written press

"Les 10 plus beaux musées cachés à visiter à Paris" (in French) by Inès Boittiaux for Beaux-Arts Magazine (Feb. 3, 2024).



Videos and burning subjects

"The rare metal war", an interview of journalist Guillaume Pitron by VPRO Backlight at the Mineralogy Museum (april 2024)



"Brillante" podcast (in French) by Anne Desmarest de Jotemps (Feb. 24, 2024).


Scientific articles

"Study of an ‘Egyptian’ Emerald from the Mineralogy Museum at the Paris School of Mines", in Journal of Gemmology (2024)


"An historical alexandrite from the Mineralogy Museum of Paris School of Mines", dans Journal of Gemmology (2023).


"Non-destructive study of Egyptian emeralds preserved in the collection of the Museum of the École des Mines", in journal Minerals (2023).


"Combination of ERDA, FTIR spectroscopy and NanoSIMS for the characterization of hydrogen incorporation in natural diamonds", in Diamond & Related Materials (2023).  

"A Gemological and Spectroscopic Study with Mobile Instruments of Some “Emeralds” from the Coronation Crown of Napoleon III", in Gems & Gemology (2022).

"From the lithosphere to the lower mantle: An aqueous-rich metal-bearing growth environment to form type IIb blue diamonds", in Chemical Geology (2022). 




Our new book (in French only) : "LE MUSEE DE MINERALOGIE de l'Ecole des Mines de Paris", Gallimard / L'Ecole des Arts Joalliers editors, Collection Hors-Série "Découvertes", Gallimard (60 pages + 16 p. without text, ill., 150 x 200 mm, 14.50 €).



The press talks about the Mineralogy Museum - Mines Paris - PSL

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Musée de Minéralogie

Mines Paris - PSL

60 boulevard Saint Michel

75006 Paris





TUESDAY: 10am - 12pm and 1:30pm - 6pm.


SATURDAY: 10am - 12:30pm and 2pm - 5pm


Closed on National Holidays, Sundays and Mondays






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