If your visit to the Mineralogy Museum ParisTech (Paris School of Mines) inspires your passion for rocks, minerals, gems and meteorites, we encourage you to visit our colleagues in France and worldwide.
Le Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris.
The collection of the Sorbonnne (minerals), on the Pierre et Marie Curie Campus (Jussieu), Paris.
The Jewel Gallery of the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris.
Musée de Minéralogie de Strasbourg, Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin).
La Rochelle Museum, La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime).
The House of Minerals -La Maison des Minéraux-, Crozon (Finistère)
The "Maison de la Géologie et du Géoparc", Puy Saint André (Hautes-Alpes).
Crystal Museum, Chamonix (Haute-Savoie).
Mineralogy and Petrology Museum, Ambazac (Haute-Vienne).
The Tellure Silver Mine, Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines (Haut-Rhin).
Bourg d'Oisans Museum, Bourg d'Oisans (Isère).
Earth Sciences Gallery, Natural History Museum, Nantes (Loire-Atlantique).
The Amethyst House, Vernet la Varenne (Puy-de-Dôme).
Confluences Museum, Lyon (Rhône).
Mine de Cap Garonne, Le Pradet (Var).
Terrae Genesis, Peccavillers (Vosges)
The "Mange cailloux" Museum, Mortagne-sur-Sèvre (Vendée).
Australian Museum, Sydney.
South Australian Museum, Adelaide.
Museum of Victoria, Victoria.
Natural History Museum of Vienna, Vienna.
Diamond Museum, Bruges.
Royal Belgium Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels.
Mineralogy and Petrology Museum, University of Alberta, Edmonton.
Museum of Natural History, Nova Scotia.
Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario.
Canadian Museum of Nature, Ontario.
Earth Sciences Museum, Ontario.
Bancroft Gem & Mineral Museum, Ontario.
Pacific Museum of Earth, Vancouver.
Hunan Geological Museum, Changsha.
Geology Museum at the Natural History Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen.
Freiberg Mineral Collection, Freiberg.
Terra Mineralia, Freiberg.
Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum, Bochum.
Mineralogisch-Petrologisches Institut und Museum, Bonn.
MiMa, Oberwolfach.
Museum of Mineralogy and Petrology, Athens.
Milos Mining Museum, Milos Island.
Museo Mineralogia e Litologia di Firenze, Florence.
Museo di Storia Naturale di Milano, Milan.
MIM Museum, in Beirut.
Kristalmuseum Borculo, Borculo.
De Oude Aarde, Giethoorn.
Teylers Museum, Haarlem.
Natural History Museum, Oslo.
Mineralogy and Geology Museums, Lima.
Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Moscow.
Museo Geominero, Madrid.
Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, Barcelona.
Museo Mollfulleda de Mineralogia, Arenys de Mar.
Valentí Masachs Geology Museum of the Technical University of Catalonia (Manresa).
Bleloch Geological Museum, Johannesbourg.
Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm.
Earth Sciences at the Genève Museum, Genève.
Natural History Museum, London.
Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford.
Museum of lead mining, Leadhills, Scotland.
National Museums of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland.
National Museum Wales, Cardiff, Wales.
Treasures of the Earth, Corpach, Scotland.
Smithsonian Institution and its National Museum of Natural History, Washington DC.
American Museum of Natural History Museum, New York, New York.
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, California.
Mineralogical and Geological Museum, Harvard, Massachussetts.
The Lyda Hill Gems & Minerals Hall, at the Perot Museum, Dallas, Texas.
Houston Musem of Natural Sciences, Houston, Texas.
Geology Museum of the Colorado School of Mines, Denver, Colorado.
GIA Museum, Carlsbad, California.
Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Cleveland, Ohio.
Field Museum, Chicago, Illinois.
Franklin Mineral Museum, Franklin, New Jersey.
Utah Museum of Natural History, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Any questions about the museum or the collection ? Contact us
Find all the information to come to the Mineralogy Museum here
Musée de Minéralogie
Mines Paris - PSL
60 boulevard Saint-Michel
75006 Paris
TUESDAY: 10am - 12pm and 1:30pm - 6pm.
SATURDAY: 10am - 12:30pm and 2pm - 5pm
Closed on National Holidays, Sundays and Mondays
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