Lunar meteorites


Completing the display of meteorites, a new showcase is dedicated to lunar meteorites, with a spectacular slice of the Lunar meteorite NWA 11472 given by Luc Labenne (Labenne meteorite), as well as a fragment to touch from the lunar meteorite NWA 10782 given by Alain Carion.


Lunar meteorite NWA 11472

This feldspathic breccia from the Moon was found in the Sahara desert by a nomad in 2017. It was later purchased by Luc Labenne, who sliced it to reveal the brecciated interior, and who gave a spectactular slice for the new display at the Mineralogy Museum in November 2017.

The NWA 11472 Moon meteorite is composed of a dark matrix and clasts of white anorthite and green olivine and pyroxene.

Slice of the Lunar meteorite NWA 11472, which is a feldspathic brecchia, given by Luc Labenne (#83523 ; 5.5 x 3.6 x 0.2 cm 8.98 g).


Lunar meteorite NWA 10782

This regolith breccia was found in the region of Almabas near the frontier between Morocco and Algeria in 2015. It was purchased by Luc Labenne who recognized it was a lunar meteorite.

Some feldspathic and pyroxene clasts are visible in the dark glass basaltic matrix. Interestingly, the feldspathic igneous clasts have a texture resembling the one seen on the Apollo 14310 Lunar rock, only finer. Also, it has characteristic Fe/Mn ratios for its olivine and pyroxene crystals matching the ones of lunar samples.

This great sample that the visitors will be able to touch was given by meteorite hunter Alain Carion.


Lunar meteorite (regolith breccia NWA 10782), gift of meteorite hunter Alain Carion,  (#83497; 2 x 1.5 x 0.2 cm 1.63 g).



About the donors

A short bio of the donors are given at the bottom of the Martian meteorite page.

Meteorites from the Moon - Mines Paris - PSL

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Musée de Minéralogie

Mines Paris - PSL

60 boulevard Saint-Michel

75006 Paris





TUESDAY: 10am - 12pm and 1:30pm - 6pm.


SATURDAY: 10am - 12:30pm and 2pm - 5pm


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